My wife and I finished the first season of the crime drama Shetland on Amazon Prime and are now onto the third season. (It seems that they skipped Season 2.)
In the first episode of Season 3, there’s a great scene where one person lays out accurately an illustration of the law of unintended consequences and the other misses the point (maybe on purpose?) and retreats to a line that makes sense only if the first person’s reasoning is right.
The main cop, Jimmy Perez, whom my wife and I generally like and who has a lot of integrity, asks a drug addict he knows about a drug that is MDMA (ecstasy) mixed with PMA. The purpose of the PMA, I gather, is to bring down the person after the high he gets with MDMA. This is relatively new on the island. Both the drug addict and Jimmy agree that it’s a toxic mix.
The drug addict explains that the reason PMA is added is that it replaces marijuana, which people had used to come down from the ecstasy high. Why replace marijuana? The addict explains that the government has done such a good job of sniffing out weed that comes to the island that the drug sellers needed to come up with a new drug that couldn’t be detected so easily. Thus PMA.
Drug Addict: It’s the law of unintended consequences.
Jimmy: It’s people trying to make a profit selling PMA.
Notice that it’s the drug addict who goes to the fundamentals. It’s true that the reason people newly make money on PMA is that there’s a new demand for it, but the reason there’s a new demand for it is that the government has squeezed out a safer drug.
The writing for this show is very good, by the way, and I don’t think it’s my imagination that Jimmy’s retort was too quick and defensive. He probably recognizes at some level, even if only for a split second, that his own law-enforcement colleagues bear some responsibility.
The picture above is of PMA.
Holly Findlay
Dec 4 2021 at 9:37pm
David Henderson, I think your writing is very good, by the way.
I don’t think it’s my imagination that you stir excitement and emotion, from a like-minded person, with your passion to details such as these.
Thank you.
David Henderson
Dec 5 2021 at 10:23am
Thanks so much, Holly.
Stephen Foster Sr.
Dec 4 2021 at 9:41pm
Excellent drama. We have watched all 6 seasons but be prepared: after episode 4 it ends for now in the middle. Bummer.
Capt. J Parker
Dec 8 2021 at 12:42pm
I’m guessing you’re watching on amazon. All 6 episodes of season 5 have aired in the UK. Amazon is a about a month behind. Episode 5 is available now on amazon. I’m guessing episode 6 will be available next week.
Dec 5 2021 at 1:02am
Season 1 is comprised 1 and 2. 1 only had 2 episodes.
David Henderson
Dec 5 2021 at 10:24am
Ah, thanks.
Pamela Denise Warwick
Dec 5 2021 at 10:26am
It’s a great show. I was so thrilled when we discovered the new season 6. We watch it on BBC. I-PLAYER, with Nord VPN. So we’ve seen the entire season before Amazon had it.
Margaret A Henderson
Dec 8 2021 at 11:17am
I did not even know there was truly a drug called P M A. I thought it was a made-up drug for the plot. This is all truly good information. Education is always a good thing. The way you think about your character and what it means is amazing. It brings such drama right into your heart. This is why I love the show. Every single actor on the show seems to really care about what their lines mean. I believe this is the trickle-down effect; when one person tries very hard to make sense of things and to put into their character real life through understanding it’s just very encouraging to everyone to do the same. Not that they would not have been doing it anyway I’m sure this group of actors always thought hard about what their lines meant.Or, we wouldn’t have such a wonderful show.
I am grateful for the hours of entertainment and education.
Dec 8 2021 at 4:11pm
I like the story as a good example of unintended consequences but I’m pretty sure it’s not true. PMA is a drug with similar effects to MDMA so it won’t bring you down, but it can be more toxic. I think one of the problems was that suppliers of MDMA ecstasy were selling PMA ecstasy.
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